Sadly, the title of my post doesn’t include the word “complete”. But we are really close.
This week we finished wiring ALL of the high voltage. That includes all of the interior lights, receptacles, USB outlets, fire alarms, 2 ceiling fans, 6 ceiling lights, a bathroom fan, exterior floods, a shed feed, a generator hookup, and connecting the service feed! Whew! All we have left is to finish hooking up the panel and run speakers and data. We are hoping that’s just a 2 day job and we will be done by the end of next weekend (we are cautiously optimistic).
Here are some pictures:
Todd planted grass seed last weekend. At the beginning of this weekend they had barely sprouted.

By the end of the weekend there were clear patches of green.

Notice the pink tool belt; I seem to live in that thing while we are out there.

The chimney was also installed this week. Here is the inside view.

Oh, I forgot to mention the floor boxes.

Robert, dealing with the service cable. That thing is huge and a pain to deal with.

The panel with only a couple of circuits hooked up.

The panel as we left it today. Next weekend this will be Kelly’s project to finish.